EverQuest 2 Wiki

This meta category stuff is kinda deep for me. Also this needs to be renamed 'Cleft Crystals' and I know only admins can do that.

actually, about 99% of the categories around here should be taken care of by the templates, its just matter of spelling things "right" (which might not alway be "correct"). take a look at the history revision to see what i changed so. also, anyone logged in can "rename" a page, its called a "Move" and theres should be a button along the top somewhere or in the colored bar at the top on this article (depending on what GUI skin your using). just punch in the new name, and the system does the rest (moving the edit history, talk page, and making redirects automagicly). if you ever get lost, or dont know what to do, just put in the information, and someone will be by eventually to format it up. --Uberfuzzy 13:10, 13 November 2007 (UTC)
Thanks Fuzzy, I've done wiki stuff before on a guild wiki and they reserved moves to admins... didn't notice I could do it.--Questy 00:44, 14 November 2007 (UTC)