EverQuest 2 Wiki
Maj'Dul Inhabitants
Author: Jergo Wheybringer
Triggers: Maj'Dul Inhabitants Catalog
LootDB Link: LootDB

In-Game Book Text

By Jergo Wheybringer

The city of Maj'Dul brings frontier justice to the impressionable "barrashar" arriving from beyond its walls.

Barrashar means outsider and the term is applied to anyone who is not a native Dervin of the surrounding region, no matter how long that individual has claimed Maj'Dul as home.

Though a dangerous city, Maj'Dul has intrinsic beauty that cannot be denied.

High above the desert floor, Maj'Dul rises from atop a high plateau in a series of terraces. The lower terraces are mainly inhabited by the less fortunate of the city's residents.

The highest point of the city is the Sultan's Palace, an imposing structure that houses the city's arena. The arena is an unusual feature that Maj'Dulians use to regulate changes in their laws.

Most of Maj'Dul's residents are Dervins, descended from the Dervish Empire which once terrorized the deserts of Ro and environs.

City life has not reduced these citizens' desire for mayhem and bloodshed. Using the arena allows the residents (and barrashar) to blow off some steam without attracting attention from the Sha'ir.

The Sha'ir use flying carpets to keep a watchful eye o the streets below.

The streets of Maj'Dul could do with quite a bit of watching. Roving thugs and street rats scurry through the many passages and narrow stairs that link the various terraces.

Additionally, one may find that some of the city's three main Courts has taken offense to one's actions, meaning that guards of various factions will attempt to even the score.

Banners hanging from the towers around the city announce which Court has the upper hand, but power fluctuates rapidly between them.

The climate of Maj'Dul is dry and hot with variable winds especially on the higher terraces.

The evenings are slightly cooler, though the heat of the day is retained by its many whitewashed buildings and cobbled streets.

Patches of greenery exist near a few structures, watered through a variety of cisterns and pipes that would do a gnome proud. In these areas, one may also find camels, elephants and the ubiquitous monkeys.
