EverQuest 2 Wiki

FactCheck Some of the information in this article is disputed. Please verify the following information in game:

I believe this is simply a misspelt version of Bagarash, and should be deleted. However, this needs to be verified before any further action be taken. --Maladryn (talk) 10:15, September 25, 2020 (UTC)

If you have personally verified this information in the game and it is correct and likely to be confused by many users, remove this tag, place the {{FactOK|info}} tag at the bottom of the page, and replace "info" with why you think the fact is correct. If the information is correct but unlikely to be confused, simply remove this tag and place a note on the talk page stating why the information is correct, supporting the correction with screenshots if necessary. If the information is incorrect, please edit this page, correct it, and remove the {{FactCheck}} tag. Thank you! --The EQ2i Admins.



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LootDB · EQ2LL · ZAM
EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Stygian Threshold: The Howling Gateway (Advanced Solo) (Terrors of Thalumbra)
Race Kobold
Level 101▲ Tier 11 Solo
Location 76, 88, 285 ) Copy
Reported Drops none reported, try LootDB.
AA Exp unknown
Status Points Yes

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Gains alternating buffs that turn him from spirit form to solid and takes almost no damage in this form.

When he gains Form of the Hunter, loot a Trinket of the Hunter from the dead Barkgut hunters laying on the ground and use it, then look for a non-aggro stalker kobold around the edge of the platform. Kill the stalker to return Bagagrash to spirit form.

When he gains Form of the Gatherer, loot a Trinket of the Gatherer from the dead Barkgut gatherers laying on the ground and use it, this will cause him to revert to spirit form again.
