EverQuest 2 Wiki
A Deathfist Crusher

A Deathfist Crusher

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Zek, the Orcish Wastes (Shattered Lands)
Race Orc
Level 39▲▲▲-40▲▲▲ Tier 5 Heroic
Location Northeast of The Deathfist Citadel-66, -38, -805 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Reported Drops
Linked with a Deathfist templar x1
a Deathfist protector x1
Melee Attacks Slashing
AA Exp yes
Status Points none

What does this information mean?



  • The Deathfist templar is a healer, kill it first, otherwise tank n spank.